General Overview and Timeline of La Amistad
La Amistad off Culloden Point, Long Island, New York Date: 26 August 1839 Contemporary Painting, Artist Unknown Author: Shanna Campbell La Amistad was a ship known as a two-masted schooner, which is a type of ship defined by its rig. It was initially launched in 1839. It was owned by a Spanish national named Ramon Ferrer, who lived in Cuba. After the revolt of the Mende captives, the court case United States v. Amistad took place, ultimately deciding that the Mende people free. La Amistad has also been in the hands of the United States, which they acquired in 1840, and in the hands of the French, who acquired it in 1844. "Amistad" is Spanish for "friendship, which is ironic due to the legacy La Amistad and its revolt have today. Timeline of La Amistad : 1811 : Spain abolished slavery. 28 June 1839 : La Amistad leaves Havana for a small port near Puerto Principe, Cuba. There was some general cargo; 53 African slaves were also on board, taken from Mendi...